Video Marketing

Video Marketing: Everything You Need To Know About It

Digital marketing has given a new perspective on the relationship between a brand and its audience. Today, it is possible to create campaigns for a highly segmented public with personalized messages in the recording studio. The increasingly demanding lead awaits surprising and relevant experiences. Therefore, video marketing emerged as an excellent solution.

As a content format with wide receptivity, video conveys your company’s message clearly, regardless of the audience. Video marketing increases the impact of your actions and can help reduce your CAC (customer acquisition cost).

What is Video Marketing?

Just as new technologies have influenced consumer behavior, digital transformation has also changed marketing. Strategies are now concerned with attracting the ideal customer, offering something relevant, and only then directing the lead to the sales team.

Video marketing is a powerful strategy that involves leveraging a camera, video editor, and production equipment to attract and collaborate with potential customers at every stage of the sales funnel, be it the top, middle, or even the bottom. Some of these actions are:

  • Promote your company or the mix of products and services;
  • Present the brand;
  • Deliver relevant information;
  • Generate engagement and interaction;
  • Educate the persona by moving them to the following stages of the customer journey.

Types of Video Marketing

To achieve success with your video campaigns, they must be included in your company’s marketing plan. In this way, you can understand the role of audiovisual production. There are many video styles, and marketing can leverage a variety of them. Check out the main ones:

Tutorial Video:

Tutorial Video is one in which you explain how to use a product or service or even contribute some tips for using the product.

Presentation Video:

Presentation video: Since on the internet, it is not possible for the user to have physical contact with what you are offering, this is one of the best ways to show product details, how it works, and its advantages.

Webinar Video:

Webinar videos are excellent for increasing audience engagement, offering valuable content, and even making a good offer or product launch. Webinars can be recorded or performed live. The difference is that they happen to like a TV show with a scheduled start date and time and gather the community to interact during the exhibition.

Institutional Video:

Institutional video is a more common style of video. It publicizes the brand and reinforces its positioning and values. It aligns the teams and serves the external public.

Testimonial Video:

Want a better argument for a prospect’s decision than knowing that the solution you offer really works? No one better to tell this than another consumer who has even had doubts and can share his experience in the testimonial videos.

Video Interviews:

On the other hand, there is this type of video in which you can invite an authority on the subject or a celebrity in your audience to reinforce the arguments and convey authority and confidence.

Q&A Video:

It is common for every business to receive a certain pattern of questions frequently. Nothing better than putting together a video to remedy objections and other recurring issues.

List Video:

Do you know those famous videos with titles similar to “7 best video marketing formats” or “Top 10 tips to increase results with the internet”? They use numbers to attract and, at the same time, the present organization of thoughts and generate credibility.

Why Invest In Video Marketing?

You may already have good results with other digital marketing actions and still don’t know if the video is really interesting for your niche market. So, here are some reasons to use this strategy. If the different video styles have already inspired you, discover what’s best about this strategy now. After all, most people who access the internet watch at least one video a month on YouTube!

1. It’s not just a trend.

98% of millennials watch videos on their smartphones, and 92% of all mobile viewers share videos. This means that video campaigns have high penetration (especially for millennials) and the potential to go viral, regardless of your brand’s audience.

2. It has good conversion.

Another strong point when choosing a strategy is the results it achieves, of course! Video marketing is an excellent option for winning over leads already in the consideration and purchase decision stage. According to video stats:

  • 85% of the audience would rather watch a video about the company than read about it on the website;
  • Consumers are 98% more likely to see a video about a product than listen to a salesperson; When watching a product video, the chances of the lead buying increase by 85%.

Just see how the video has a greater impact and influences the audience. It can even be an ally of the sales team, especially if your model is consultative sales. Your team can use this technique to indicate and present the benefits of your mix while still overcoming possible objections.

3. It’s a consumer preference.

Since the consumer has become more connected and also aware of the buying process, companies from the most diverse market niches have had to adapt to offer a good user experience: rich, exclusive, and, at the same time, natural. The audiovisual format was excellent for meeting this demand, as it was already part of the universe and the taste of the public.

What Are The Benefits of Video Marketing?

After seeing so many statistics highlighting the importance of video marketing in your strategies to protect your company’s growth, it’s time to see how this is reflected in your actions practically.

1. Generates Greater Engagement With The Audience.

Digital engagement is a huge differentiator compared to traditional marketing. It allows you to deliver your message in a segmented way, which makes it possible to speak to your target audience in an even more targeted way.

With an audiovisual production, in addition to increasing the chances of sharing and responding to your content, you get closer to the audience, as you can work on some features such as:

  • Convey more emotion;
  • The tone of voice and use of informal expressions;
  • Body posture and expression;
  • Extra features such as background composition and background music.

2. Bring Authority To The Company.

This is not only because of the positioning of veracity that TV has already built into the viewer’s repertoire but also because a video conveys more confidence. After all, imagine how much easier it is to see if something is real by watching a video instead of reading about it or seeing a photo.

With video, you can rely on the human element, like eye contact and getting closer to the viewer while building trust. The audience understands that the video is more truthful and gives authority to the brand.

3. Educate The Target Audience.

While attracting new leads is a challenge (which even video can help with), getting your audience to walk through the customer journey to closing sales is a daunting task. Producing relevant content can help you create an audience, even if you don’t have online contacts yet.

People look for videos to entertain themselves and learn something relevant. Take advantage of this opportunity and use video as a content marketing strategy, providing your audience with valuable information while bringing them closer to the brand.

4. It Has A Greater Reach.

In addition to being a format that people prefer to consume their content, video is more likely to be shared. Therefore, audiovisual productions can go further than other strategies. Use video marketing to:

  • Teach something valuable to the audience;
  • Present a concept or position of the company;
  • Give a tip;
  • Work on commemorative dates or controversial subjects.

5. Offers More Efficient Results.

Companies have widely used the online environment, mainly because it manages to reach an extremely targeted audience, impact with rich experiences, and all at a low investment. Video marketing improves your revenue on the internet. In addition to being diverse, it can be used organically, in paid advertisements, or even on social media, and is suitable for video.

6. Optimizes The SEO

Standing out in search engines, such as Google, is one of the most effective strategies for gaining visibility and better results for your company. After all, it is one of the main sources of organic new lead attraction over the internet. It’s no wonder that website optimization is critical for organizations, regardless of niche.

Video marketing is important for your company’s SEO mainly for three reasons:

  • Delivers relevant content;
  • Increases the user’s time spent on your pages;
  • Encourages public interaction, as is the case with comments.


As you’ve seen, video marketing is a perfect strategy for highlighting your brand. Because videos are a user preference, you can offer content, stand out, and even increase sales with audiovisual productions. Use videos to improve your marketing results and strengthen your relationship with your audience.

If you liked this post and believe that video is an excellent strategy for multiplying valuable information, share it on your social networks! Thus, you will help other initiatives deliver quality content and transform the reality of many more people.

Interesting Related Article: 6 Email Marketing Strategies For Events & Webinars.

  February 24, 2023   Technology


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