The Best Ways To Write Emails For Your WordPress Website

The Best Ways To Write Emails For Your WordPress Website

First, this article is The Best Ways To Write Emails For Your WordPress Website. Whatever your type of website, e-commerce, e-learning, news, or social, you are very likely to succeed in online traffic and communication to a good degree. If preparations were made properly, a simple email could be considered the most powerful of weapons. People working with WordPress are lucky, though, because WordPress features many high-powered and tuned-up features that help you collect and deal with emails right on your website.

We will be working on the four aspects below to have a perfect system. First of all, we’re going to drive up and design a lovely email template. Finally, we will alter the mailer form to take advantage of our just-crafted custom template. You should come up with your own sentence. Then, we’ll modify some of the used-to-template messages. Let’s get going by passing the articles on to major news media as a follow-up to the emails, tapping into their events. Now, let’s get going!

WordPress’s Email Sending Process

WordPress comes with a useful built-in function called wp mail that takes care of all the technical aspects of sending emails. It can manage nearly everything you throw at it, including changes to the From field and bespoke HTML emails. You can extend WordPress with plugins that do not modify its core files by using attachments. Hooks enable your code to function as actions in WordPress and send publishing notifications. Without hooks, you would have to find the function responsible for publishing and then write your own code directly into that function to send the author a notification. Attach hooks for post-publication emails and use them to create your email sending code. Simply put, you want your function to run at the same time as the built-in post-publishing function.

Opening an establishment

Making our plugin may be the main focus point. In the long run, it will become tedious because we might just have to make use of the key functions and retain only those that run in our theme. No need to stress, adding a plugin is as easy as child’s play.

Navigate to the plugins folder on your website, located under wp-content. Make my awesome email plugin a new folder. Use anything different than email or email_plugin if you’d want a different name; otherwise, there may be issues with existing plugins.

In the newly created folder, create a file called my_awesome_email_plugin.php. The file name (without the extension) and the folder name have to match.

Copy and paste the following code into my_awesome_email_plugin.php, making any required changes. All WordPress needs to display the plugin in the plugins menu within the admin area is these basic default data.

Then navigate to WordPress admin, and here you will be able to activate this just-installed plugin. If this is the first time you have registered to vote, kudos to you for your open mind! I’m excited to announce that I’ve designed my very first functional WordPress plugin! Even though I haven’t taken any action on it yet, the fact that it will never be real shouldn’t be a reason for your depression. Stay tuned as we will be enriching the application because of the discussion of the next few chapters.

How to Make an Email Template

To give an example, it is also worth writing a separate post about the best ways to compose effective email templates. I’ll only sketch my strategy; who knows, they might accept another approach down the road. You can do that, too, so be brave enough to try it out!

To build this web page, I will only tap the CSS and totally remove the necessity for pictures in our web emails. Our intention is to develop a template so we can simply add a section for heading and footing them. We will apply the email format for sending email messages notifying the readers to WordPress by importing the header, placing the email content, and importing the footer. Justify the style and features of emails to achieve this. This way, you can easily and at a speed switch between templates and, in a few clicks, edit the look of your emails.

Keep in mind that since this is an email, the HTML won’t be fancy. The less bling you can manage, the better, as inline style is the safest approach.

Let us take this middle road, then. Literally speaking, emails are first divided from the top right, which is on the second line, and enclosed by the h1 heading up to the 23rd line, which is the header section. Locate that portion of code and paste it over to a file called email_header.php, which is in the same directory folder as my_email_plugin. The company will incorporate everything from the dialogue tag before “Warm regards” through the end (i.e., until line 64) in its email footer. For instance, after we have placed dummy text between the header and footer to show you roughly the appearance the product will have. We will just put whatever items we now want to tell forth as well.

WordPress System Ready For Our Emails

WordPress customizes emails to users in plain text form by default setting. Our delightful HTML email will require us to tell wp_mail() to display it via HTML format mode. There will be a customization of the sender’s email address and name in the process of creating such an email, and everything on the receiver’s screen will be purely professional. We are the ones whom others have already talked about as hooks.

Changing the Emails in the Current WordPress System

This is what the standard WordPress email looks like.

As previously noted, WordPress comes with some pre-built emails that are readily customizable (with the help of hooks, of course). Let’s change the welcome email that WordPress automatically sends to new users. We are sending this email with the help of a pluggable function. WordPress provides this function; however, unlike the other basic functions, you are free to replace it with your own code.

The wp_new_user_notification function is the one in concern. All we have to do is write a function with the same name to change it. Even though you are creating a function with the same name, there won’t be a problem because of the way WordPress calls pluggable functions. The function I wrote is shown below. See the summary and explanation below.

As you can see, the function receives two arguments: the input combination of the new user’s password and his ID. These are the things that we’ll extract from them to disseminate through the organization as a variable component of our message. We complete constructing a user object on line two, which you can fill with the relevant user’s information. We have now defined the variable as $email_subject on line 7, establishing an email subject.

Now, let’s resume our work on the email_header.php file. Here, as you look through the code, on line 04, replace The Subject of My Email’ with <?php echo $email_subject&gt, and do the same for line 22. To prevent this from happening, rather than move everyone to “The Subject of My Email,” the information has to be simplified from the email the person is sending.

Retrieval emails for passwords

WordPress doesn’t handle all emails with the same pluggable functions, for whatever reason. For instance, we must use hooks to change the appearance and feel of the emails that retrieve passwords. Let’s examine this.

Initially, we have a filter called retrieve_password_title applied, which will change the email title’s default value to our own. Next, we’ve modified the message’s text by adding a filter to retrieve_password_message.

We used the key that was produced when we started the retrieval to query the database for the user’s name on line 10 using the $wpdb object. Next, we proceed in the same manner as before: we retrieve our email footer, add our message text, add our email header, and begin the content buffering.

The hook at the 14th line of the article is one of the great points to use. The title of our password has to be “Password Reset.” Though we could’ve shortened the string by entering that, we reckoned it to be ineffective and, this way, placed the related function that returns an identical result: imp_retrieve_password_title. All these plugins are now assumed to be transparent, as they simply create simple functions that users can comfortably use in WordPress either as triggers or actions. Whenever these functions are executed, users can easily change their fate.

Attachments and pluggable function

Due to a lack of documentation, it is challenging to formulate a well-balanced and thought-through response to this issue. The most effective way to find out which emails are managed there is by checking the pluggable.php file in your wp-includes folder. This file remains intact and do not make any changes to it, we are currently developing the plugin.

In the current scenario, most email messages are pluggable, whereas hooks are used only for password recovery emails and a few other WPMU emails. It is used to support pluggable functions, which results in no change when a new email type is introduced. Instead, the change can occur as development is very active.

The following is a list of emails that may be altered with pluggable functions:

  • Comment writers are notified using wp_notify_postauthor().
  • Use wp_notify_moderator() to alert the moderator to comments that need to be approved.
  • Notify the website administrator when the password is changed:
  • WordPress Password Change Notice
  • wp_new_user_notification() to alert the administrator to new registrations

Including New Emails in the Database

Up till now, all we’ve done is change what WordPress offers. It’s time for us to contribute some of our own emails now! Let’s set up an email to alert authors when their posts are published.

To do this, you need to find the WordPress action hook that is triggered when the Publish button is pressed to publish a post. Once we identify this hook, we will use it to send the email.

You should be accustomed to doing this by now. The only actual distinction is that to obtain the information required for the email; we must retrieve the post’s data as well as the author’s data from lines 4 and 5.

You may question how I am aware that my function accepts this post’s ID as an input. Naturally, WordPress’s design dictates this value; therefore, I am powerless to change it. Each hook provides a unique set of arguments; some even provide several sets. You will need to go to a few core files to see your available arguments.

Expanding Our Skills

You can make any replacements in the structure of the wp_mail () function because it is an adjustable function. This might sound absolutely excessive, but you would be able to configure it in such a way that it would utilize your email mailer program if you require a particular email sending capacity, say, you want a system that assists you in notifying your 120,000 registered subscribers about the latest publications.

We can do a lot to expand our emails because we are utilizing a template for email headers and footers. By utilizing distinct header files, we can tell staff emails from user emails; by using footer templates, we can append the last three postings at the bottom of every email; and so on.

An Alert Remark

I admit that the design is attractive, but I’m not sure if I could do a job as well as them. I’m not good at making HTML emails. While Gmail, along with some others, such as email programs, have undergone tests, they don’t behave uniformly toward the email HTML code discussed with some forms of variations. Others modify the vanilla JS code only by changing the background colors. Others delete all the CSS code. And so on.

You should test the template beforehand to ensure it works well with mainstream email providers such as Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Apple Mail, Outlook, Entourage, Thunderbird, etc., and that you will get the best result.


Since the end of the course, I hope you will be convinced to create your own emails, customizing the ones WordPress sends or involving them in other events. Therefore, I also believe that your hooks with WordPress should also have increased. Builds are the most awesome plugins and add-ons development instrument of WordPress, and one design provides an entrance into the world.

Besides your inquiries, comments are also appreciated. I’m always ready to guide you. To sum up is it worthwhile to offer the same solution that I devised please share your ideas with me. I would be delighted to get your feedback about how you did the same or even better.

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  May 7, 2024   wordpress tutorials


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