headless cms vs wordpress

WordPress vs Headless CMS: Which Is More Effective?

First, this article is about Headless CMS vs WordPress. Provide users with the tools to design, manage, and publish text, photo, video, and audio assets on the web with great simplicity. The purpose was to avoid making the non-technical users spend a lot of time and effort editing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript directly and then uploading the modified files using File Transfer Protocol (FTP).

Only with the advent of dynamic server-side scripting languages like PHP and ASP in the mid-1990s did CMSs finally become a reality. This created a breeding ground for a declaration to function as its frontend interface, powered by the backend languages. For instance, when you add a new page with the CMS, it triggers a backend function that automatically adds the new page to the server.

The advent of dynamic server-side scripting languages like PHP and ASP in the mid-1990s finally made CMSs a reality. These languages created a breeding ground for a declaration to function as its frontend interface, powered by the backend languages. For instance, when you add a new page with the CMS, it triggers a backend function that automatically adds the new page to the server.

The unique thing that WordPress brought about in 2003 was a whole new innovative world that changed the whole blogging environment. This new content management system, recently launched, aimed at blogging, is for people, offering flexibility, open-source capabilities, and scalability. However, there were other competitors as well, like Drupal, which completely dominated the industry and became the most popular website creator.

WordPress’s construction is characterized by its conventional architecture, integrating the front end and database into one entity. Achieving more than the sum of its funny PHP pieces, this child of 2003 already features a wealth of themes, plugins, and extensions.

In the last 20 years, WordPress’s rivals have built all sorts of counteraction arms against WordPress’s ascendancy struggles. However, none of these contenders overcome the issue more radically than WP ( WordPress ). In essence, that is what it was, until a few days ago.

The headless conception is a brand-new concept of CMS that is just exploding and is trying to find itself in the market. Unlike WordPress, which combines the back end and presentation layer, this approach completely separates the back end from the display layer. This technology opens up more customization and flexibility, which is very useful for companies that want to create complex websites.

WordPress today plays the role of Jack-of-all-trades; the requirements for processing more and more are simply amazing: managing social networks, online shops, membership sites, and customer applications. The programming language itself allocates favors one kind of document (code) over another, which is the problem.

Avoid using WordPress (or other wonderful CMSs like Contentful, Prismic, or Strapi) as a content management system and use it instead as a frontend framework for creating websites; headless CMSs give you an alternative.

It also hints to us that we can create purposes of static assets for lightning seconds of fast load speed and get servers out of sight. Owners of large websites are more keen to capture this benefit. The headless CMS could give a remarkable acceleration for websites of the size of 50,000 articles with a reputable cause of sudden crashes.

This equation, however, is subject to several modifiers, and their understanding requires an introduction of several technical notions. This article will mainly focus on the main differences between WordPress and headless CMS and will also give some recommendations on when each of the strategies is the right choice.

WordPress: What is it?

WordPress, an Open Source Content Management System, was started in 2003. It showed up in the world as a tool for writing a blog and gradually turned into a multifunctional CMS with a comfortable interface, a huge collection of themes and plugins, as well as an easy-to-use editor, allowing one to remodel the site according to the user’s requirements. Additionally, it gives the powers to the admin if they need to be granted media insertions or to cancel.

Users can code the first part of the site using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, while PHP is used for the server-side part. They can then create and manage content stored in a MySQL database with the help of a visual editor or the WordPress API.

Benefits of WordPress

The following are a few benefits of WordPress:

Easy to use

  • WordPress is a platform that makes it easy for everybody who sets up a website, particularly beginners who have little technical knowledge. Ordinary users can use the editor for content creation and modification through its clear and easy-to-follow interface. The changes in real-time are the biggest advantages of this editor.
  • Users can access and utilize video and photo editing tools on the platform to manage their media files alongside integrated media management features. The ease with which you can add text, photos, videos, and a variety of content to your website is really magnificent.
  • Though WordPress isn’t the most user-friendly website, it is still easy to learn and master. Besides, extensive experience with the WordPress interface makes websites look familiar, and many people who have spent even a few hours on the internet would not ignore them.


  • WordPress’s in-built themes and plugins provide a huge variety of possibilities for customization.
  • Undoubtedly, many other WordPress developers have been around since the platform’s first release in 2003 and joined the wagon of creating themes or plugins for WordPress. As this implies, users could easily change the site’s appearance, feeling, and functionality by the number of options, which seems endless.
  • To make it clear, the WordPress official theme library offers over 8,000 free themes and more than 60,000 free plugins that you can use to expand WordPress capabilities.
  • During their development, a developer can modify WordPress core as well as themes and plugins, unlike most CMSs, which are closed source.

Friendly to SEO

  • WordPress websites are designed for search engines with many intrinsic features. One can include a permalink structure, which carries a URL that consists of the page’s title, which proves to be valuable for search engines because it is easy to understand the aim of the page. The resulting automatic generation of site maps helps by leading to search engines crawling and indexing all of the website’s pages.
  • WordPress also has SEO plugins that allow users to optimize their content for search engines, such as Yoast SEO and All in One SEO Pack. These plugins can automate building the XML sitemaps, forming the page meta tags, and optimizing keywords. Moreover, they provide suggestions that incorporate better form and substance in search engine entries.

Responsive on mobile

  • WordPress themes code to be mobile-responsive, which means they adjust their layout to render properly on any device’s screen size. The ‘Mobile First World’ we live in today, where a growing number of people access the internet via tablets and smartphones, this make-ability is of vital importance. Moreover, a mobile-friendly website creates a better user experience and, thus, increases its rank in search results.

Multiple user capabilities

  • WordPress allows several individuals to see and edit a website. Assigning different roles with varied degrees of access and authorization is also possible in this complex structure. The role examples are author, editor, or administrator.

The disadvantages of using WordPress CMS

Despite being a well-liked and extensively used CMS, WordPress has its share of annoyances and problems. These are a few of the most prominent drawbacks:

Dangers to security

  • The utilization of outdated plugins or CMS versions raises the security risks that could happen in WordPress. In the end, outdated security systems might provide hackers with a free way to get in.
  • It makes the situation worse by the fact that WordPress is the largest content management system occupying the third part of the internet presence. This means that hackers are attacking the deeper weaknesses of WordPress because they are the most accessible.

Limiting adaptability

  • To a large extent, how WordPress looks at the front end and what the backend environment displays are connected. Content creation or distribution may lag as one has to take time to create and customize the plugin or the theme.
  • This problem is not real for the most part of the usage scenarios. On the other hand, distributing a blog post using WordPress may be challenging if you try to use it for different purposes other than blogging.

Compatibility with plugins

  • What essentially is a WordPress plugin is the code bundle that may be installed into the front end. There are some teams whose members might not be so keen to check very carefully if the code is devoid of flaws.
  • Hence, the incompatibility among WordPress plugins, other plugins, themes, or even the WordPress core could be the result. This can result in apps or website hitches that eventually lead to web page errors.
  • Everyone has felt that, at some point, the worst is seeing a fatal error preventing page loading and demanding an update of your plugin right after you checked it out.

Problems with performance

  • WordPress out of vanilla is also fine to use. The plugins and large themes are the main culprits that cause the problems after their installation. Next thing you know, that extension often uses it to call in third-party libraries, and libraries may significantly hinder the functionality of the website.
  • Because WordPress is such an intuitive platform, even experienced users will at some point go ahead and install plugins to their website, but only to realize how this affects the performance and overall usability.

A headless CMS: what is it?

One type of content management system that separates the content layer from the presentation layer/frontend is a headless CMS. So, this system should not confine the content to just any site, nor should it have any specific design; it can find and deliver content to not only mobile apps but also websites and smart devices.

This CMS method greatly benefits a modern company engaged in a game of ‘omnichannel experience,’ which involves meeting customers across different devices to ensure they receive a uniform user experience.

The API makes content available, primarily stored in a distributed repository, likely in the cloud. Developers can utilize this API to access the content, which they can then send to any front-end application of their choosing, unrestricted by the features of a specific CMS or website layout. Therefore, Headless CMSs have an advantage over traditional CMS systems and can support more complex interactions and a large number of clients quickly.

Using a headless CMS to display the same notifications on a smartphone and smart fridge is a great example—albeit a bit excessive. Traditionally, this would have included making applications for your phone and fridge and sending messages through each. Conversely, headless CMSs enable a message to be created just once and sent via API to both systems.

Benefits of headless CMS

The following are some advantages of employing a headless CMS:

SEO and Performance

  • The specialty of headless CMSs concerning speed and performance is that they do not depend on the standard WordPress content. Gatsby or Next, a static site-generating framework, represents one of the frameworks that developers can use. Headless CMSs may reuse js by fully separating the stateful frontend user interface from its backend code, which dynamically creates the page.
  • The proposed workflow uses the computing power of the system to generate all the assets that will be displayed on the browsers without delving into too many technical details. We have preselected the page design, so the server will not need to process it. This website can run fast and smoothly, whether it has 1000 pages or 150,000 pages.
  • A faster website has the role of moving up the search engine results pages as a result. Among the other measurements that Google has made, the CWV (Core Web Vitals) stands out as the most used now. Developers interested can now find the straightforwardness of tackling CWV standards in these frameworks used together with headless CMSs.

Using the latest instruments and technology

  • In essence, a headless content management system is only a controller. They don’t contribute to the page design or any of the functionalities of the website. The frontend framework (e.g., Gatsby, Next.js, Nuxt, etc.) is the source of it.
  • These frameworks are made with the latest tools and development standards in mind. They streamline the process for developers and integrate seamlessly with complex libraries and packages to enable the rapid addition of functionalities to a new website.

Support in several languages

  • Traditional WordPress supports multilingual translations, but adding four or five more language translations can make it nearly impossible to use from an administrative standpoint and can be a major hassle to maintain.
  • On the other hand, custom post types for language translations can be specified in headless CMSs. Features like Next’s internationalization routing, which can recognize a visitor’s country of origin and direct them to the appropriate version of the website, help to enable this.
  • Furthermore, The Edge powers Next.js, which is a fancy term for a content distribution network with script execution capabilities. The Edge makes it possible to send a translated version of the website to users from other countries very instantly, ensuring that the website functions flawlessly wherever a visitor is in the world.

Specific to the use case of the team

  • Messy CMS is fully adaptable to different customers’ needs in the sense that it is not monolithic. Headless mode adoption is something to consider if your team works in a way uncommon for the typical CMSs.
  • You may even style the WordPress UI to suit how your team works. Is there not much navigation expertise that is only needed? Delete everything if you want. There is no need to be scared. Is the single button you have to click to start a series of actions that have to take place in all of your systems necessary? Simple to complete.


  • In the headless world, the advantages of omnichannel are somewhat overstated. It is less for businesses to manufacture and output at the same time for phones, Smart Fridges, and Smartwatches with other IoT devices.
  • The headless CMSs are designed to best fit enterprises, such as businesses needing to provide support to promotional apps concurrently with their website content, allowing all these changes to be made from one place.

Simple to switch out

  • Using any platform that dominates the entire monolith will force your company to commit to that particular solution only. As a brand new layer and logic are interconnected, we have to separate the stack and logic in some completely new ways.
  • Instances where headless CMS is still being implemented, even while configuring one, will be simpler. The frontend framework deals with the logic. The frontend framework deals with all logic.
  • MACH, which refers to Microservices, API-first, Cloud Native, and Headless Architectures, possesses these qualifications. We’ve written a lot about it already. This is a superb strategy that is particularly suitable for bigger businesses, which perceive maneuvering, performance, and growth as important.

Enhanced protection

  • The static site generation method is the main reason for the notorious safety of headless websites. In that case, the consumer interface removes no attack surface to handle for servers.
  • Although it is not a core feature of the headless architecture in terms of convenience, this is a benefit to acknowledge.


  • With the use of Headless CMSs, companies can easily adopt new technologies and trends while at the same time keeping their website or application intact by separating the backend from the front end. By staying with the latest trends in the area of the website or the application, the strategy will be important for user experience and keeping organizations competitive.

The disadvantages of a headless CMS

The disadvantages of headless CMSs should be taken into account before implementing them. Among them are:

Difficult to put into practice

  • Implementing a Headless CMS requires heavy resource usage because some features and functions may require additional payment for extra services or solutions. Virtually to develop and carry out regular maintenance tasks, it also finds highly qualified builders, which in turn increases the entire cost.

Limitations on the content preview

  • Decoupling content management and presentation in headless CMS systems means that editors cannot see how the content looks on the front end before publishing it. Although this situation benefits writers who can make modifications, it can cause frustration for inexperienced ones due to limitations.

Absence of innovative features

  • However, they do not contain the pre-packed attributes and functionality of regular CMSs; headless CMSs are the best. Developing bespoke special features and functionality could entail third-party API integration, and creating custom solutions brings additional cost and time consumption to the business.

Which is better: using a headless CMS vs WordPress?

The type of content you want to handle and your company needs are the main aspects that will help you decide between WordPress and headless CMS. Some things to think about while deciding between the two platforms are listed below:

SEO and Performance

  • Almost every company that opts for a headless content management system (CMS) would imply better performance and higher SEO scores as the key reasons for the change. These organizations have a lot of information and postings, if not thousands of pages. Changing the servers costs them large sums, and they are surprised when the site collapses during rush hour use. The story of the numerous large traffic websites that try to sell advertising to profit is nothing but proof that having a headed CMS is not the best option. They are trying to reduce the bounce rate by providing a swift and simple user experience.
  • Although a headless content management system (CMS) can still be beneficial for smaller websites, its impact on performance won’t be significant until the site has 20,000 or more visits per month.


  • This component is straightforward. Do not eliminate the headless option if your company can not afford a full-size site ($20,000 or more). This refined off-the-shelf option, chosen to resolve the problems within the rigid and monolithic system, will not be free.
  • A headless CMS would be a good move for your company if you can come up with growth strategies that will boost traffic, conversion rates, and SEO performance.

Familiarity with customized software

  • Is your team aiming to apply Elementor and Divvy? What about those who can use visual page builders and are keen to do their web pages their own way? If this were the case, then a headless CMS is not for you.
  • You can find some more alternatives that mimic a visual page builder experience like the Builder. Addressing even the tiniest misstep throughout, you cannot do without a developer at all times, as they are solely responsible for any website modifications or additions.
  • Content authors of headless CMSs have a slightly different experience compared to the former. While you usually just click “publish” in your content management system, it can take up to ten minutes for the content to appear on the live website. Additionally, using the rendering method employed by your website, along with caching and several other elements, may further complicate this process.

Frequently asked inquiries

1. What defines WordPress from Headless CMS?

Even though WordPress and Headless CMS are both content management systems, they operate in totally different ways as far as the content delivery itself is concerned. Though Headless CMS is free to create and adapt content, Headless CMS has one application only, while WordPress is an entire content delivery system that handles both content creation and publishing.

2. Which platform is superior, WordPress vs Headless CMS?

The organizational requirements determine the ideal platform, which varies for each organization. Therefore, no one solution fits all queries. Companies seeking an off-the-shelf content management and distribution system that is straightforward will find WordPress to be a great platform. However, those who desire a more tailored and adaptable solution will find Headless CMS better suited.

3. Is it possible to combine WordPress vs Headless CMS?

It is conceivable to employ a hybrid strategy with WordPress serving as the content management system and Headless CMS serving as the content delivery system.


The choice between WordPress and Headless CMS comes down to the needs of your company in the end. WordPress is the most reliable and intuitive solution for small to medium businesses with essential content distribution and maintenance. However, the use of Headless CMS is more suitable for companies that demand specific solutions because it offers more freedom, faster development, better content management, and ensures uniqueness as far as their IT development is concerned.

The two systems have their own advantages and disadvantages, so you need to take into account the ups and downs of each one and then decide which features best suit the specific goals of your organization. Hybrid approaches are a good fit for companies that use them, as they need content management and easy distribution. It’s a mix of WordPress vs headless cms.

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  May 14, 2024   wordpress tutorials


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