wordpress vs custom website

WordPress vs Custom Website: Which one Is Best for You?

Would you be willing to create a new website? Are you in favor of using WordPress or hiring a professional web designer? We’ll go over all the benefits of utilizing WordPress vs Custom website design for your business in this post, along with the pros and cons of each. Hire a web designer or use WordPress to build the ideal website.

WordPress currently holds the title of the most popular CMS system in use. In fact, 43% of the websites on the Internet currently utilize it! Several factors account for the platform’s success, such as its user-friendly interface, the ongoing development of plugins to introduce new features, and the extensive documentation available to users for problem-solving. It is already a fact that many people use it to create websites of every type, including stores and blogs.

WordPress, as a standard, is already quite powerful. Yes, you might be asking yourself if you should hire a web designer to assist you in realizing your ideas if you want to make your site more personalized than what the platform gives you right from the start or if you want to start from scratch your website.

An Overview of Creating a WordPress vs Custom Website

Thousands of individuals choose to build their own bespoke websites or use WordPress every day. But what are the real contents of these options? Let’s examine each of them in brief.

Why Create a Website with WordPress?

Let’s begin with the fundamentals: WordPress: What is it? This question doesn’t actually ask about what WordPress is; instead, it seeks an explanation of the meaning and benefits of the woven wire powering by burning the flowers and the contraptions that were beavering away, similar to what was found on Earth: a new magical world. WordPress, an open-source, easy-to-use content management system, can be used to develop the Internet and online eCommerce businesses.WordPress can create a complicated site easily; thus, the platform is preferred by many web designers when choosing a content management system.

You can reach this free-to-change system either through the phone or the Internet. The first choice is to download and install it yourself; if you are well-known for the hosting and the backend, this would be very simple. For the majority of the users, still, the ease of using a managed host that conforms to WordPress’s specifications and has all the optimizations, like Kinsta, is just a deal. Thus, you will be able to focus on the conversion since the system will be installing itself!

Why Create a Unique Website?

To be precise, when we talk about custom web design, we are talking about creating a website from scratch utilizing HTML and CSS (thus, not using an already existing CMS platform like WordPress.

Although other factors make consumers choose custom websites, the main reason for customizability is the most. You have the chance to create every page you need with the exact features and appearance that you wish if you can begin from the very beginning. This is a really attractive option if you want to make a really complex website or if you want some really somewhat unique pages, forms, or navigation.

A Comparison between Custom Websites vs WordPress

Now is the moment to choose: Are you going to cooperate with WordPress or will you ask a developer or a designer to do it for you? You may not have the slightest clue at all by this moment. Here are the points to put on the minds of the small business owners and the bloggers when they are comparing the two but do not stop reading since there’s a third choice coming up.

Prices and Time Needed for a Website


Usually, people consider it a fairly cheap solution for expenses. You can download the program for free, but remember that the price of your website will depend on the hosting costs, theme choice, and plugin usage (which usually involves a monthly or yearly subscription. However, in almost all cases, a WordPress website will be the cheaper one.

Thus, the use of this CMS should bring a significantly quicker time to launch your website as the chosen themes and plugins will most likely have all the functionality you want right from the start.

However, keep in mind that you will often need to teach yourself how to set up your website, which includes learning how to utilize plugins and create pages and content. In the long term, of course, this can save you time, but only once you’ve overcome the first learning curve.

Custom Website

Because building such websites involves a lot of work, they are usually considerably more expensive. The majority of people can set up their own WordPress sites and create some simple pages and posts, but if you want to create a custom site without using a CMS, you will most likely need to hire an expert.

Hence, the website-building process usually takes a lot longer than you think, especially if the developer you work with has a lot of other projects to finish. Nevertheless, this is not a strict and absolute rule; it will depend on the type of work and the contractor with whom you work.

Flexibility and Customizability


The functionality that WordPress provides may not be all that you are looking for if you want your website to have a very unique design. Your theme will be the foremost element of your design, but you will be able to use a suitable page builder such as Elementor to make big changes to your templates. Moreover, some themes allow you to Use Blocks to Change the Appearance of Your Website.

Many excellent WordPress themes are already accessible and being utilized, and most of the modern themes are already search engine optimized and mobile responsive. Therefore, they will fit well on any device that your consumers use; the design aspect usually doesn’t have to be a concern for you. Usually, you can find a plugin that already does what you need to do when it comes to plugins. In short, WordPress has a lot of freedom regarding this issue. Just a few elements need to be taken into account when it comes to flexibility:

  • Occasionally, you could come upon a plugin that sort of performs what you want it to do, but not precisely. For instance, there are many alternatives available for product table plugins, but none of them may produce product tables that perfectly complement the design of your website.
  • It’s possible that the plugins you’ve selected don’t always function well with your theme, which might cause compatibility problems and site errors.
  • Installing a plugin with all the functions you require, along with a ton of extras you don’t use, maybe the solution. While not a problem in and of itself, this can quickly cause your site to load more slowly, particularly if you have a lot of active plugins.

Custom Website

As you have already expected from now if you settle for a custom-made website with an ever-capable developer who is capable of that which you like, then you will always be given the chance to adjust to what best suits you. Correspondingly, you won’t have to install add-ons (3rd party) and also settle for a theme that kinda works in the same way with the style you wanted.

Yet, you should keep in mind that in case of any functional website/app changes (changing the visual identity of the website will take time and effort), you must contact a developer who designed your website accordingly (it is better to turn to the same person as before). Even the best testing will fail if the developer is trying to develop 12 other applications or if making connections and locating someone reliable is really difficult and expensive.

In conclusion, the use of WordPress is likely to be with some foundations, and you have to dig deeper to learn various plugins that you can use to have different capabilities. Your desired functionality on the devised website will be there, but if you desire to make changes, outsourcing will help you.

Safety and Maintaining


WordPress is reasonably maintainable, which is another of the site’s main benefits. WordPress, when there are updates or new versions, they are mostly for users and the ones in our security. People using plugins and themes also put out lots of updates very often.

When you choose WordPress for your website development, you must learn how to follow the latest version of the platform and plugins to reduce these types of problems and improve your website loading time. You must learn how to do a backup of your site as well as other maintenance tasks since you don’t want to risk something going wrong that might lead to the loss of some of the materials that you are in the process of creating or saving. For your security, many plugins are provided to cover your bases in case you are worried that something could go wrong with your website.

Besides, the host certainly can help you with any security issues you might come across when you are using WordPress. On top of that, they regularly update the core of WordPress, and site backups are made, as well as data encryption. However, you should recognize that none of these remedies alone will make the issue go away. Each site contains vulnerabilities, though; if you are encountering an internal server issue such as this WordPress website, a developer should definitely consider reviewing the case.

Custom Website

The responsible web developer will take every necessary security measure on your site to avoid any leak. They can involve themselves in configuring SSL certificates, firewalls, website scanners, and other related things.

As explained, running the website without professional help may be more endeavor. Collecting the tasks done on your remarkably designed website from your developer is always a wise move because it will keep you up to date on your website and everything that is on it.

Create a WordPress website and use the BlogWP theme to make it better

When comparing WordPress vs custom website-made site construction, needless to mention, for those who prefer something common, the safest option is still WordPress. The platform is competent in the features and functionalities you need, at least for additional site functionality. Moreover, the CMS is easy to use, relatively inexpensive, and you can manage your webpage yourself, which makes the process of creating a website much simpler (not to mention all the online tutorials that point out the common issues while providing the necessary help when trouble comes.

Having said that, there are several situations when you would wish to hire a developer to enhance the capabilities of a WordPress site that is set to default. To name a few, they are:

  • A WordPress developer may assist you in selecting the finest solutions while keeping costs lower than if you constructed a completely unique website if you lack the time to design your website and investigate the themes and plugins you require.
  • A WordPress developer can alter your theme or plugins to provide particular functionality that you can’t obtain with them now, or they can design new themes or plugins with totally new features for your website.
  • A WordPress developer can locate errors and take care of them for you if you have security issues that you are unable to resolve.


As a final note, it is up to you to select either a WordPress or custom website, taking into account your particular needs, budget, and long-term plans. On the other hand, WordPress has many valuable strengths and capabilities, such as ease of use and plugins, and thus, it becomes suitable for small to medium-scale level businesses. But, a hand-made website is more capable than a copied one for a bigger enterprise that has extraordinary desires and goals for future development.

Take into account the interests and factors that are unique to you before coming up with this pivotal decision. Whether you take the shortcut of using WordPress or choose a customized one, always keep in mind that your online brand may be made or broken by the strength of your digital presence. Choose carefully and start your digital one full of positive thinking.

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