wordpress seo checklist

A Checklist for WordPress SEO in 2024

This post is on the WordPress SEO checklist. What do you estimate about getting visibility and placing the website on the first SERP? If so, you should use this checklist especially if you use wordpress for your blog. Even after following this guide to create an amazing website using WordPress, you may struggle to boost the interaction or get organic traffic to this site. Because W3Schools has to rank higher on the SERP scale, it has to be optimized. It might sound difficult, but that’s where the WordPress SEO checklist is, so do not worry.

Why Should Your WordPress Website Be SEO-Optimized?

One of the most important digital marketing tactics for having your website naturally visible to the largest possible target audience is search engine optimization or SEO.

What advantages does it provide your WordPress website, though? Let’s investigate:

  • Improved search visibility: Getting higher visibility on search engine result pages is the main benefit of doing SEO. As a result, when someone searches for a topic, good, or service linked to your website, it will appear in the top ranks.
  • Better usability and performance: The website is guaranteed by SEO, which also improves user experience. Later on, that also leads to an enhanced user experience in general. A user-friendly website should be designed for people who use it, not for people who create it, experts say.
  • Increased organic traffic: You may rank your website highly by using this WordPress SEO checklist to its fullest. As a result, since most visitors only look at the first five or so pages in the search engine results, there will be more organic traffic.
  • Advantage over rivals: You may outperform your rivals by optimizing your WordPress website for search engines. In terms of organic traffic, user experience, performance, and search rankings, you may be in the lead.
  • Cost-effectiveness: When it comes to marketing, SEO is far more economical than paid (PPC) advertising. With almost seven times less expenditure, it can produce greater outcomes in terms of search rankings and organic traffic results.
  • Long-term outcomes: In contrast to pay-per-click advertising, SEO might assist in bringing about long-term advantages. Even after you have ceased optimizing it, SEO may still make your website visible in the top rankings. However, if you stop paying for PPC, your website will immediately cease ranking.

The Best SEO Checklist for WordPress to Use

Let’s examine the top advice for implementing SEO on a WordPress website:

1. Set up the Plugins for SEO

With its library of hundreds of free plugins, WordPress allows users to modify every aspect of a website. It follows that you may use a variety of plugins to implement SEO on your website. You can manage the technical, off-page, and on-page SEO requirements with the aid of these plugins.

Plugins for WordPress SEO can assist with several important tasks:

  • Internal connection
  • Meta Optimization for Titles
  • Content Development
  • XML Sitemap Creation
  • Integration of Social Media
  • Broken Connection Construction
  • Schema Markup Supplement

Install WordPress SEO plugins, thus, to enhance all SEO elements of your site. You may choose the best plugin from the many available—both free and paid—by considering your needs and preferences.

All In One SEO, Yoast SEO, and Rank Math are some of the top SEO plugins for WordPress websites. To make your SEO chores easier, our WordPress plugin creation services may also assist you with customizing any WordPress plugin or creating a brand-new one.

2. Put SEO-Friendly Themes to Use

Put in place a WordPress theme that is optimized for search engines. A website has to appear nice on all devices and be responsive to be considered SEO-friendly.

WordPress selects the SEO-optimized theme by default when you initially build a website. Naturally, though, you won’t leave your website’s default theme in place. Instead, go for one that guarantees your website will have an eye-catching design, be search engine friendly, and be user-friendly.

3. Enhance the Performance and Speed of Your Website

Even with the greatest features, designs, and functions, a website won’t attract and interest users to the same extent as it won’t work effectively. Because of this, search algorithms give high weight to speed and performance.

Users may lose patience and click on to the next website on the search engine results page if a website loads more slowly than four to five seconds. Therefore, use the following strategies to improve your website’s performance and speed:

  • Select a quick hosting company.
  • Improve the media files, including the pictures.
  • Employ a plugin for caching
  • Reduce the number of HTTP requests.
  • Employ a content delivery network or CDN.
  • Pick a simple motif.
  • Cut down on the amount of plugins
  • Reduce the number of redirects
  • Apply GZIP compression.

Analyzing the fundamental web essentials is also significant. The URL’s performance in terms of status, metric type, and URL groups is displayed by CWV. A website’s performance, visual stability, and responsiveness are examined by the metrics types FID, CLS, and LCP. One of the plugins that improves the CWV’s speed is Core Web Vitals Booster.

These methods will guarantee that your WordPress website operates more quickly and efficiently. As a result, it will receive more “upvotes” from the search engines, improving its SERP rating. We may possibly be of assistance with our WordPress performance optimization services.

4. Use a Plugin for Caching

Caching is one of the top WordPress SEO strategies. To provide quicker access to commonly requested files, it might assist in storing them.

You may enhance the following with the use of a caching plugin:

  • Website functionality
  • Site readability
  • Loading periods
  • Search engine ranks, among other things

Thus, you can increase not only the speed but also the productivity of your WP website using a caching plugin such as WP Rocket, WP Super Cache, or W3 Total Cache.

5. Make the URL Structure Better

It will be more difficult to read and understand if your website’s URL is excessively complicated. Thus, make your WordPress website’s URL structure as SEO-friendly as possible.

Here are several methods to make the URL more optimized:

  • Make the URL brief.
  • Add the desired keywords to the URL slug.
  • Put hyphens between the words to make the link easier to read.
  • Steer clear of stop words such as and, or, an, and, etc.
  • Don’t use numerals in URLs.
  • Use SSL to encrypt the URL (HTTPS)

6. Enhance the Meta Descriptions and Title Tags

Keywords included in the title and meta description of an element of the website are the first things that a user encounters from the SERP when searching for a particular subject, good, or service. Now, as the world goes the first impression is the last, this is if you already understand this phrase or not. So, one can increase the organic traffic to the website and boost the CTR with good optimization of the titles or meta descriptions.

These must be brief but normally, they are composed of keywords and key phrases only Besides, all these should summarize in nature. Meta description has to be no more than 155 symbols, and the title tag should be no more than 60 symbols. It removes the ability of the consumer to look further beyond the keywords that appear on the SERPs. Additionally, do not cram any keywords into the meta tags if any, it has to have an interesting description that includes the business keyword.

7. Utilize Website Header Tags Correctly

Most of the WordPress-based sites have the on-page SEO component in title tags and header tags which include H1, H2, H3, and so on. These HTML elements should be applied to enhance the organization and hierarchy of the content on a page.

Here are a few of the top header tag SEO suggestions for WordPress:

  • Choose H1 or H2 for the headers (according to SEO guidelines, a website should only have one H1 tag).
  • Using H3 subheadings, divide the text into acceptable, easier-to-read chunks. It is therefore simpler to read and understand.
  • To make the header tags more search engine friendly, include the pertinent keywords in them.
  • Utilize the header tags consecutively. Use H3 for the subheadings if you used H2 for the main heading. H2 might be preferable for the subheadings, but, if H1 has been used to define the heading.

8. Apply Schema Markup

Structured schema facilitates search engine crawlers’ efficient comprehension of the information. By adding various kinds of schemas, such as the following, you may even obtain rich snippets using schema markup:

  • Ratings (for establishments such as restaurants)
  • Duration (the amount of time required to prepare a meal)
  • Price (for goods, in this situation)
  • Images of the products in the meta description
  • Checklists

Since people are always seeking the finest locations to visit nearby, rich snippets may be quite beneficial for local SEO. Rich tidbits, such as ratings, facilitate their search for the best option. WordPress plugins include Schema Pro, All in One Schema Rich Snippets, and WP SEO Structured Data Schema. Your WordPress website’s schema markups may benefit from it.

9. Optimize File Names and Alt Tags for Images

There are a thousand words in a picture. Though it’s a fantastic phrase, the visuals are not recognized or understood by search engines. Therefore, you must provide them more information to clarify the meaning of the image.

When saving an image, a meaningful filename is the first thing you need. This guarantees that when the search engine crawls the page, it processes the image’s context. Additionally, remember to include the pertinent keywords in the alt and file names. So when a person searches for your image, it appears in the Images section.

10. Utilize Breadcrumbs to Make Navigation Easier

One of the most important on-page SEO strategies for WordPress websites is the use of breadcrumbs. This navigational approach enhances the website’s user experience. This aids in the understanding of the website’s hierarchy, context, and structure by search engines.

A distinct structure from the top-level category to the subcategories should be displayed in the hierarchy. Furthermore, the labels must provide context. Put “Home > Blog > WordPress SEO Checklist” as an example instead of “Home > Blog > Post 1”.

11. Send a Google Search Console XML sitemap

Every webpage is included in an XML sitemap along with pertinent details like the last changed date and priority. This technological SEO approach guarantees that the search engines will crawl and index any page that has been mapped.

RankMath is one of the SEO plugins that may assist in creating XML sitemaps for websites. When you add or remove pages from your website, these plugins can assist in creating and updating the sitemaps.

After a sitemap is updated in Google Search Console, crawlers will be able to navigate the website. Thus, they won’t need to spend a crawl budget to crawl efficiently. Tracking website issues such as indexing, broken websites, redirections, page experiences, and many more is made easier with the aid of GSC.

12. Enhance the Robots.txt File

Optimizing the robots.txt file is a crucial additional WordPress SEO strategy. The pages on the website that search crawlers should be looking at are specified in this file. To guarantee that your website is more efficiently scanned and indexed, optimize this file.

The following advice will help you optimize the robots.txt file:

  • Make use of the proper syntax.


  • Preventing crawling to pointless pages such as the admin or login pages.


  • Permit crawling to key pages: newsfeeds, blog posts, category pages, product pages, homepage, etc.


  • Next, make sure there are no mistakes by running the robot.txt file via Google Search Console’s tester. You may also use this tool to see how your sites seem to crawlers in a preview.

13. Employ internal linking

One excellent tactic in the WordPress SEO checklist is internal linking. It’s the process of adding a link from one online page to another inside the same website.

Listed below are some pointers for efficient internal linking:

  • Instead of stealing links just to connect, use the pertinent ones.


  • Employ evocative anchor language to give readers an idea of the subject matter of the linked page.


  • In the appropriate context, link the pages.


  • Include internal linking to make all of your website’s pages linked. to facilitate the crawlers’ passage through it.


  • To see what sort of impact the internal links have on the page, periodically examine the amount of visitors to the page.

14. Optimize Your Website’s Navigation

One important component of SEO is user experience, which may also operate as a “voting factor” for search engines. The site’s navigation is one of the main elements influencing the user experience.

A website with good navigation makes it easier for users to browse and locate pertinent goods and services. Now let’s look at some suggestions for improving the website’s navigation.

  • Rather than overly complicating things with menus and submenus, keep things simple.


  • Make sure that the items and services have clear labeling so that users know what to click on.


  • Utilize drop-down options to arrange the text and headers.


  • Use breadcrumbs to help users understand where they are on the website right now. For them to return to the earlier pages as well.


  • Make use of internal connections to help the reader comprehend the background.


  • Add a search bar with the ability to search by voice. to make it easier for customers to locate the goods or services they want.

15. Improve the 404 Pages and Mend Broken Links

WordPress SEO needs to fix broken links since it might irritate users when they click on a link and see Error 404, which indicates that the page doesn’t exist. As a result, they could click off your website and find another one.

Therefore, keep an eye out for 404 errors, find them using a well-known SEO tool, and replace any broken links.

To make sure users don’t leave, you may also attempt to make the 404 pages more user-friendly. Adding branding, utilizing a nice tone, and including helpful information are all part of the 404-page SEO. A CTA ought to be included on the sign-up form and any other pertinent pages.

There are two approaches you may use to address the broken links:

  • Should the page become inaccessible, it could be necessary to remove the broken link.


  • Make sure to replace the outdated link with the updated one if the broken link results in the page moving to a new location.

16. Make the website mobile-friendly

The share of mobile devices in online traffic is over 58%. Thus, one of the key elements influencing a website’s search engine ranking is its mobile-friendliness, according to the search algorithms.

As a result, you must use better mobile-friendly fonts and designs, optimize your photos, employ mobile-friendly themes and plugins, and improve your navigation menus. After that, be careful to test the website on a mobile device to see whether everything loads, renders, and seems as you expected.

17. Setup and Utilize HTTPS and SSL on Your Website

Another important ranking aspect that all search engine optimization techniques take into account is security. Using HTTPS protocol and getting an SSL certificate is one of the finest ways to safeguard your website. Because the data transmitted between the website and its visitors is encrypted and protected from hackers, people tend to view websites with these security enforcements more trustworthy.

Therefore, being dependable guarantees greater organic traffic and search ranking.

Either the site host or a qualified authority can install the SSL certificate. Additionally, after installing HTTPS and SSL, make sure you set up your website such that all of its resources (such as scripts and graphics) flow via this newly protected protocol. You may easily convert your website to HTTPS with several WordPress plugins, such as Really Simple SSL and Easy HTTPS Redirection (SSL), among others. To protect your website from viruses and hackers, you may even employ WordPress developers.

18. Select the Best WordPress Hosting Company

Every time one starts a new WordPress site, one of the most crucial things that you are likely to decide on is choosing the hosting company to use. A hosting service enables you to deploy and delegate your hosted site which in this case is WordPress an address on the internet. Therefore, it means that choosing the hosting company resembles in fact renting the online space for storing the necessary information and files to supply the proper functioning of the website.

Generally speaking, there are five different kinds of hosting plans available: cloud hosting, VPS (Virtual Private Server), shared hosting, WordPress hosting, and dedicated hosting.

A hosting provider will not only assist in getting your website up and running, but it will also manage important aspects such as performance, storage, security, and speed. It’s also an essential item on the WordPress SEO checklist.

A hosting service comes with services like CDN, which enhances the website’s performance and loading time, making the user experience better. A quality hosting provider also guarantees that the website is always operational, which raises its search engine results. Thus, be sure to select the hosting company wisely. Here are some of our top picks for WordPress hosting services: SiteGround, WP Engine, etc.

19. Keep a regular eye on all of the WordPress SEO parameters

Last but not least, to make sure your optimization efforts are reaping rewards in terms of traffic, engagement, and rankings, make sure to do routine audits on your website and examine all SEO criteria, including the content, keywords, backlinks, sitemaps, schema, and more.

To conduct a thorough analysis of the website, there are some SEO tools available, such as Google Search Console, Google Analytics, SEMRush, Ahrefs, etc. Yoast SEO, All In One SEO Pack, Rank Math, and other WordPress plugins are some of the best for doing website analysis for SEO, as was previously said. They continuously monitor the website to make sure the previously mentioned SEO optimization checklist is operating as intended and offer suggestions for improvements.

We’ve gone over a variety of strategies for raising a website’s search engine ranks. But if you’d like to be sure that your SEO work provides the best possible outcomes.

In this manner, you can be sure that our WordPress SEO checklist has assisted your website in obtaining the highest search engine rankings.


To sum up, it is possible to note that the application of the wordpress seo checklist can contribute to the improvement of the website’s results and visibility. Similarly, if you work on technical optimizations, the quality of the content, and the user experience, then you can set your site up for ranking on the search engines. It is important always to reflect on the SEO and update from time to time depending on the changing algorithms and user trends. This means that, with the relevant and appropriate effort by the employee or self-employer, and the right focus, long-term results can be attained by the flow of the constant process. To the success of your website’s SEO!

More Reading:-

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