It’s possible that when we discover a WordPress theme that we like, we overlook certain important details, such as the ability to establish a menu in a specified location. In today’s post, we’ll look at how to complete this work.
Actually, WordPress allows us to add all the menus we want. What we can miss from a theme is not really the possibility of adding a menu but the possibility of adding it in a specific position. That is why it would be more accurate to state that we are adding a menu to our theme rather than saying that we are really adding a spot where a menu may be placed.
This process is less difficult than you may imagine, so if you truly like a theme but lack a menu item, you shouldn’t rule it out and attempt to add it to it, even if you need to learn how to code in PHP. To be safe, it is always a good idea to create a backup copy of anything important before embarking on a new endeavor.
To register the menu’s position, we first need to edit the functions.php file in our theme’s functions directory.
This file should be located in a directory such as wp-content/themes/my-theme/, where my-theme is the name of the theme you are using.
At the end of this file, before the ?> symbol, we will add the following:
function register_nav_menus( $locations = array() ) {
global $_wp_registered_nav_menus;
add_theme_support( ‘menus’ );
foreach ( $locations as $key => $value ) {
if ( is_int( $key ) ) {
_doing_it_wrong( __FUNCTION__, __( ‘Nav menu locations must be strings.’ ), ‘5.3.0’ );
We must position it before the?> symbol. If there isn’t one at the end of the file, this isn’t an issue, but if one does exist, we must insert our code before, not after. If you do so, our website may continue operating correctly.
We need to give this new position a name, like ‘menu-footer,’ but you can call it anything you like. When picking a name, be cautious; the ideal is to use a single word (if you want to use more than one, add a hyphen to separate them). Then we give it a name, like ‘Footer Menu,’ but you may call it anything you like.
The WordPress function registers the nav menu and handles the actual registration process.
WordPress is a powerful content management system available for free. It offers a host of features and options for managing your website.
WordPress is open-source software that allows users to manage their websites easily. It also provides flexibility in terms of its customization options, which are often referred to as themes.
WordPress themes are the most popular way of customizing your website and adding new features and functionality. A WordPress theme can be used for any type of website or blog, but it is most commonly used for personal blogs or websites related to a specific topic, like event planning or wedding photography.
WordPress themes can be installed in less than five minutes, and they come with hundreds of different design elements so you can create an eye-catching site without having to code anything.
WordPress is a website platform and a community of people who share their knowledge about it. Thousands of blog posts have been written on topics such as using WordPress or designing your site using this CMS.
With our extensive collection of elements, creating and customizing layouts becomes
second nature. Forget about coding and enjoy our themes.