jamstack vs wordpress

Which is better for developing websites WordPress vs Jamstack

In this article, we will show you Jamstack vs WordPress. What concerns the basic attributes of new Web-based products? We consider reliability, performance, and security to be the most comprehensive. The only thing that has not changed is what people expect from an online product, which is a whole different story from what is possible with web technologies.

In the past, people developed websites using HTML and CSS, but today, they primarily use content management systems, especially WordPress, to develop websites. However, WordPress is even now still popular with developers around the world, while on the other hand, Jamstack is a relatively new web technologies stack that has recently garnered some attention.

But which of them is most suitable to turn to for assistance when creating a new online product for your business WordPress vs Jamstack?

Let’s examine the differences between WordPress and Jamstack and determine which is better for your company.

An Overview of WordPress vs Jamstack

In this section, let me outline things that should be helpful to know about Jamstack vs WordPress in its basic forms.

Another free and fairly simple tool for creating websites and web blogs is WordPress. WordPress allows you to start websites based on such themes and plugins as there is a multitude of them; you can create a website without coding. For these reasons, many individuals prefer it. To be more precise, WordPress occupies 64 percent of the CMS market share at the present moment. For each CMS-built website, just one percent.

From a technical perspective, WordPress is open for people for free, which makes it very useful for everybody. In its web development setup, it uses a LAMP stack approach that involves the Linux operating system, Apache HTTP server, MySQL, and PHP.

On the other side, Jamstack is a modern design model for building websites on Markup, reusable APIs, and JavaScript.

As a connotation, Jamstack does not refer to a specific platform or any type of software technology. On the contrary, this method develops websites that are more comprehensible, secure, and can be built much faster.

Jamstack offers an alternative to the conventional server-side and monolithic development strategies widely used for content management systems like WordPress.

WordPress vs Jamstack the main Comparisons

It’s unfair to compare Jamstack with WordPress, which is like apples and oranges.

What unites them both, though, is that they are both possible approaches to take when developing an online offering. Here is where they both diverge, then.

Essential Differentiation

The Jamstack architectural web development approach uses JavaScript to access services for any needed dynamic data and to serve static assets from CDNs.

On the other hand, developers built WordPress on a LAMP stack, making it a complete package for website construction.

WordPress hobbles users with its proprietary nature, while Jamstack remains consistently decoupled.

Experience with Developers

Regarding web developers, Jamstack enhances capability in the following ways: They can then select JavaScript frameworks and libraries, for instance, and use current-day technologies such as Babel and Webpack.

Further, web application frameworks and a static site generator such as Hugo and Gatsby help in setting up a fantastic development atmosphere.

Developers are attracted to Jamstack because it doesn’t store code on a server. Instead, like a backup, it simply remains stored in a repository, similar to a Git storage. In addition to versioning, the repository holds records of all the modifications made to the code and allows for a one-click revert to any previous state.

Creating websites through WordPress is easy and does not require any technical expertise or experience. Therefore, Python is a better choice for those who do not have coding skills in the programming language.

This means that all the things are stored on the server, so it does not provide the Jamstack experience for developers. Also, it may be difficult to have several sites with WordPress in a local environment, and developers are responsible for site deployment.

Integration of Data

With Jamstack, you can securely feed data to digital platforms while maintaining constant control over your data.

WordPress holds the information and doesn’t allow easy export or sharing with other platforms. Furthermore, it arranges the information in frameworks exclusive to web pages, making it difficult to modify the same content for use on other digital platforms.


Due to vulnerabilities in third parties, WordPress has gained notoriety for its security flaws. Because of this, hackers frequently choose to target their websites.

According to the Sucuri 2019 Threat Research Report website, WordPress infections modestly increased in 2019 compared to the previous year. WordPress infection rates increased from 90% to 94%.

WordPress users must always look for security updates and packages.

Because they are hosted on CDNs and are static, Jamstack sites are far more secure.

Additionally, they are less susceptible to malicious assaults because they don’t engage in dynamic exchanges with a server.

Additionally, Jamstack keeps the front and back ends of web applications apart.


So, performance measurement can be considered one of the key factors defining website ranking. When it comes to this particular region, WordPress is slightly slower than most of the Jamstack sites out there.

WordPress operates based on the slow server-side rendering model. WordPress is slow because it runs on some dated technology and language, which is PHP. Moreover, new developers are unable to alter the content, which can be created by slow and outdated third-party plugs. As far as website owners are concerned, this makes the optimization of WordPress sites pretty much out of the question.

Static files are pre-built for loading into Jamstack based on certain parameters before the users even get to interact with them. The reason is that developers have more explicit control over everything delivered to the customer at once and are more easily optimized than with WordPress.

According to the new fundamental elements of web experience and Google’s new updates of Page Experience, Jamstack will highly advance the caliber of your site or web app.

Management of Content

WordPress provides solutions to content management directly within the WordPress framework. This means it becomes difficult to sustain and support the self-same ordinative across diverse media because it fuses the display level and the content level.

Another aspect of Jamstack is content management, where there are Content Management Systems referred to as headless.

With a headless content management system, users can add content to the website through the admin panel. The system then either stores the information on a personal server or transfers it to the source code repository.

A static website can acquire this database using an API. The front end also offers significant control over how to present and use the data.


Also, virtually anyone can install WordPress, which is very simple. However, operating costs start relatively low but then shoot up as more features and functions are added to the package. Such an outcome arises from the limitation of scalability that WordPress exhibits.

It is noteworthy that the cost of custom work, namely the initial setup for Jamstack sites, is slightly higher than that of WordPress sites. As for the point, I want to state that setup requires more time as Jamstack is an architecture. Still, as a result, only new features can be easily developed in Jamstack, which leads to the counterbalancing of these costs.

When Is Jamstack a Better Option Than WordPress?

WordPress started out as a blogging platform alone, but it has since developed into a multifunctional website builder with a huge theme and plugin ecosystem. Unfortunately, its development, security, scalability, and performance have been hindered by this transition.

The Jamstack architecture was created to address problems with WordPress websites.

Decide when to use it:

  • A major concern is security. Jamstack assists in creating static web pages devoid of plugins or databases. These websites function as cyberattack strongholds. Furthermore, a secure website entails lower security costs.
  • For an excellent user experience, Jamstack sites eliminate the need for the server to generate page views at the moment of request. This enhances the user experience by speeding up the loading of pages.
  • Jamstack sites enable content delivery networks to cache everything, allowing the site to scale later. With Jamstack sites, you can easily achieve scalability due to their unmatched load capacity, simple installations, and integrated redundancy.
  • Because Jamstack sites are pre-generated, portability is a must. You may host them from a variety of hosting providers. Moving them to another chosen host later on is not difficult.


In conclusion, it can be noted that both WordPress and Jamstack are beneficial for constructing websites depending on certain parameters. WordPress is more accessible and has more plugins for extension, but it will not offer the same performance and security as Jamstack. Here, the decision between the two major options really depends on more specific considerations of the particular work to be done and the skills of the designers involved.

Such technologies are useful and relevant, as participants have to be aware of the changes in the sphere of web development to make the right choices. The nature of either WordPress or the efficiency of Jamstack is not the issue; the matter is in the covariance with the planning of the project. It’s possible to make a good choice when it comes to choosing the approach to emulate, which can lead to the construction of a high-quality modem website.

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  May 27, 2024   wordpress tutorials


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